Sunday, September 30, 2007

Ford Mustang Shelby GT500KR

Ford Mustang Shelby GT500KR is today one of the most powerful in its "semeyke", which participated in the development department as a special Fordovsky Special Vehicle Team, and of course the famous Shelby company.

The new Ford Mustang Shelby GT500KR was modified 5.4-litre V8- agergat with advanced mechanical pumps, which led to an increase in power from 500 to 540 horse power, and the maximum torque to 688 Nm. Power transfer in turn using shestistupenchatoy mechanical boxes, which leads to the rear drive, which shall enter into force 18 dyyumovye drives exclusive designs with sports tyres.

Regarding vneshki Shelby GT500KR, there is a slightly modified body by the new ultra-light bonnet (Carbon with plastic), and powerful air pockets, new channels, as well as front and rear bumper. In addition Shelby received a shiny new and exclusive painting, which highlighted the typical blue stripes, "" razrezayuschie body on the floor.

Approximate cost Ford Mustang Shelby GT500KR not yet reported, but go rumours that the series will raskuplena before the official premiere in New York.