Car-fighter Ford Mustang which has received name X-1, outwardly not too reminds the plane, but the most interesting in the car hides salon where it is possible to get, having lifted upwards doors Lambo. From an interior usual Ford Mustang here does not remain anything, even a wheel.
Now on the centre of salon of model one plane armchair, and instead of the habitual central console - some monitors and numerous gauges is established. As to a steering wheel it has replaced джойстик which, certainly, it is more convenient to operate a fighter. Whether Ford Mustang X-1 will fly or go, it is not clear yet, but in any case not without the aid of 4.6 l of motor V8 capacity of 500 h.p. By the way, the car supplied system of night vision and gauges of the thermal image.
As to Dodge Challenger to which have given name Vapor it have transformed into the car-invisible being. The car superficially resembling well-known plane Stealth, have painted in special grey colour which will not mark any radar, have established special optics, doors Lambo. Highlight Dodge Challenger Vapor is the unique system of an exhaust allowing the car to move absolutely silently. As well as at Ford Mustang X-1, the car interior is executed in plane subjects and one is inside established at all, and two steering wheels - for the captain and its assistant. By the way, to operate Dodge Challenger Vapor, it is unessential to sit down in armchairs. To "order" model it is possible from the most remote corner of a planet through special system Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, the truth, for this purpose is required Internet connection.